Proof of immunization is required by state law.

THE LITTLE PROSPECTOR complies with the state liability
insurance requirements through My School Insurance.

Certified CPR and First Aid personnel are on location at all times.  In case of a medical emergency we will contact 911 and the parent/guardian, using the emergency information and immunization record card.  Medical attention will be given as needed.


Children should be kept home if they have shown any signs of illness.  Child care regulations state that any child with a contagious illness must not stay in a child care center.  Therefore, if your child becomes ill you will be contacted to take your child home within the hour.  For this reason, if you are a working parent, it is a good idea to have an alternative place to take your child.



No medication will be administered at THE LITTLE PROSPECTOR


We serve nutritional lunch and (2) two snacks during the day.  Special care is taken in planning meals and treats that are appealing and good for your child.  Please check the menu posted in the reception area and 
in each classroom.  If your child has a special diet or is allergic to certain foods, please be sure to notify THEIR teachers and director.



emergency & accident procedure


Will be evaluated case by case.

We at THE LITTLE PROSPECTOR have consistent and reasonable rules for behavior.  We use discipline as a tool to teach inner control and acceptable behavior.  If a child does misbehave, he/she is asked to sit  aside and observe acceptable behavior for a short period of time.  Once he/she has observed and acknowledged appropriate behavior, he/she is then invited to rejoin their friends.  Discipline problems are minimized because of our large variety of activities and friendly acceptable atmosphere.